
King Jesus Reigns and His People Know it.

The grace of God is sufficient.


I know this but sometimes it is hard to believe it. I operate under the false assumption that I have to augment God’s wisdom, power, and presence with my own (wisdom, power and ability). Every now and then God does the spiritual equivalent of a quick crossover over dribble and a two-handed dunk in the lane. He surprises me and reminds me that he is awesome. He is awesome in power, wisdom and love. I just stand up and cheer as I watch the false idol (that I created) writhing in pain from the broken ankles (it’s March Madness, you have to expect basketball illustrations).

God did this recently. I talked with a brother who has endured an astoundingly heavy trial. As I talked to him he boasted in the God of the Word and the Word of God. The best part was, I know it wasn’t fake. I had talked to him awhile ago and he was laid low by the affliction. Now he was truly encouraged.

Herein lies a major difference between those who know God and those who do not. After the initial tragedy strikes people who do not know God often act like they got it all together. They suppress their emotions and pain by trying to ignore it. This unhealthy pattern often brings prolonged and increased devastation. However, the Christian (and I have observed this dozens of times), they are hit with the gravity of the reality. They hurt, they truly do. They reach out to brothers and sisters to speak truth to them. They pray, read, listen, sing and cry. This continues as they lean hard upon the promises of God’s word, their brothers and sisters. This is God caring for them and loving them. He comforts. He sustains. He refreshes. He heals. This is all his grace. King Jesus reigns and his people know it.

I am reminded of the sufficiency of God’s grace when I listen to a Christian speak of God’s faithfulness while still wearing the ashes of grief and pain. And when I see this afresh I press harder into the grace of God. I know it is sufficient and, now, believe more firmly that it is so. This too is grace.
