
One of the bright young evangelical historians of American history and religion—following in the path of Noll, Marsden, Stout, and others—is Baylor’s Thomas S. Kidd. Lord willing we’ll be seeing more of his helpful work for years to come. His books thus far include The Great Awakening: The Roots of Evangelical Christianity in Colonial America (2009), God of Liberty: A Religious History of the American Revolution (2010), and the new Patrick Henry: First Among Patriots (2011). His next project is a biography of George Whitefield for Yale University Press.

To learn more about Professor Kidd and his perspective on American history—and Patrick Henry in particular—you can listen to or read this conversation with Kidd and Albert Mohler.

You can also listen to, read an excerpt from, or watch below a conversation with Kidd and Marvin Olasky.
