
Krista Horning, author of Just the Way I Am: God’s Good Design in Disability, is a trophy of God’s grace. I thank God that he made her just the way she is. And I praise God that someday he will not leave her as she is but will transform her and make her whole, perfectly reflecting the image of his Son.

Krista recently gave a testimony of God’s faithfulness to her through his Word. I would encourage you to watch it. If you have kids, it’d be great to watch this with them as well, listening to an outstanding model of applying God’s Word and hiding it in your heart.

Here’s how she begins:

For me, disability is the deep is the deep hurt and shame that says, “I’m not accepted.” Disability says ugly things to me. It tells me I’m alone. I’m different. I’m worthless. I’m weak. It tells me my life is hopeless.

Disability lies to me. And sometimes it’s easy to believe. Sometimes I don’t want to live with disability. Sometimes I don’t want to be who God made me to be.

So how do I live with disability? Where do I turn? . . . God tells the truth. So I keep listening to him. He opens the eyes of my heart and I believe. I trust him and his words. God says beautiful things to me. Listen.

HT: @Bloom_Jon

See also Michael Beates, Disability and the Gospel: How God Uses Our Brokenness to Display His Grace, Greg Lucas, Wrestling with an Angel: A Story of Love, Disability and the Lessons of Grace, and Why, O God? Suffering and Disability in the Bible and the Church, ed. Larry Waters and Roy Zuck.
