
A Prayer for Those of Us Who Struggle with Impatience

Love is patient 1 Cor. 13:4 (ESV)

Dear heavenly Father, I’m not sure who first warned about asking you for patience, out of fear you will create difficult circumstances that require patience. That’s nonsense; but worse of all, it’s an utter misrepresentation of your Fatherly heart and grace-full ways. I ask for patience because I already have plenty of contexts, situations, and relationships that showcase my patent need of this fruit of your Spirit.

First of all Father, forgive me for my impatience and for loving poorly. Love is patient, and a lack of patience is a lack of love. Secondly, thank you for your consummate patience with me. You’re never hurried, annoyed, or irritated with me. Thank you!

Where is my impatience most likely to rear its ugly head? When people don’t talk fast enough, I walk to help them finish their sentences. When traffic doesn’t move along quick enough, I make my poorest choices as a driver. When my emails, calls, and texts aren’t returned as soon as I’d like, I get annoyed (as though no one has anything else to do in their day but respond to my communications).

I get impatient when worship leaders talk too much between songs, and preachers talk too little from the text of your Word (as though you made me the judge and jury of anybody’s service of worship). I get impatient with indecisiveness that inconveniences me (as though I deserve a hitch-less, delay-less, non-waiting existence). I get impatient when checking out of any store, assuming the other lanes are moving faster than the one I’m in. I get anxious when flying through Chicago, because I assume I’ll have a delayed flight.

Father, if confession is good for the soul, then I should be feeling pretty good right now. But as I look at my words, I don’t feel good about me at all; but I do feel awesome about the gospel, and so grateful for it. Since I do want to be more Christlike in all things and at all times, I ask you for a clear and powerful work of your Spirit in my heart. Make me a more patient man, for your glory and the blessing of a lot of people. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus, merciful and mighty name.
