
The mouth speaks what the heart is full of. Luke 6:45 

There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Prov. 12:18  

Let your conversation be always full of grace Col. 4:6  

     Heavenly Father, not just in response to televised “debates,” but as a participant in social media and everyday life, these passages convict me. Forgive me for the ways I misuse the gift of communication. I want my words to promote healingnot harm in anyone.  

     Forgive me for under-listening and over-speaking. Forgive me when my words convey truth, but my body language speaks shame, disrespect, non-engagementor self-importance. Forgive me for talking more than I pray. Forgive me for indulging unkind, un-holy words internally       

     Since whatever fills our hearts shapes our words, fill my heart so full of your mercy, grace, and kindness it’ll be difficult for me to shame, hurt, disrespect, or gossip about anyone today.  

     All day long, by the Holy Spirt, you will be telling us, as your children, how much you love and delight in us. From the overflow of such amazing grace, may my mouth reveal your truth, beauty, and goodness.  

     If my words today (and body language) are just 3% as kind as the Gospel is awesome, you will be honored, and others will be helped. May is be so. So very Amen I pray, in Jesus’ great and gracious name. 

