
R. Kent Hughes’ book Disciplines of a Godly Manis a passionate plea for men to embrace a disciplined life of intentional discipleship. Many men’s books line the shelves of the Christian bookstore, each one encouraging men to grow in Christ. This is the best one that I’ve come across, as it grounds the disciplines in biblical theology.

Hughes divides the disciplines into four sections: Relationships, Soul, Character and Ministry. Within each section are several disciplines that Scripture calls men to cultivate. Disciplines of a Godly Man would be great as a small-group study or as a curriculum for men’s ministries. Each chapter contains a section at the end with insightful questions, application and additional Scripture readings.

One thing I enjoyed immensely… The appendix includes a Personal Reading Survey, in which Hughes lists the top reading choices from a variety of evangelical leaders. This survey is by itself worth the price of the book.

written by Trevin Wax. © 2007 Kingdom People Blog
