
“The heart of genuine gospel proclamation must be a firm theological understanding of what God has done in the person and work of Jesus Christ… The basic themes that help us understand the biblical and theological aspects of the gospel message.

  1. God as Creator and the place of men and women in God’s creation
  2. The fall of humanity into sin
  3. God’s provision in Jesus Christ
  4. God’s salvation of men and women from their estranged, guilty, and dreadful plight
  5. God’s ultimate work of redemption

“In conclusion, we confess and affirm that Jesus Christ, as the God-man, has fully revealed God to men and women. Having lived a sinless life, Christ, as our substitute, died a death for the sins of the world. Having been raised from the dead, he now sits exalted at God’s right hand, a position of honor and exaltation, exercising his rule and dominion. We gladly acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, our prophet, priest, and king who has fully revealed God, who has reconciled men and women to God, and who now sits enthroned as ruler of God’s kingdom and head of his Church. In him we place our trust and hope, offering our thanksgiving, praise, and worship for the gift of salvation he has provided for us by grace through faith.”

– David Dockery, Southern Baptist Consensus and Renewal, pg 70, 95.
