
Remembering He Gives Life

blooming tulips

Two of the most heart-grabbing events in our human experience are death and birth. When a friend or loved one dies we attend the funeral, coming alongside of the family to grieve with them. When someone close to us has a baby we likewise come to rejoice with them. In both events the arrow that is shot through our hearts is life. Life intersects differently with our minds and emotions depending upon if it is birth or death; but it is life or the absence of it that brings the reaction.

The Bible uses both of these concepts to describe the Christian experience. Prior to conversion we were dead spiritually (Eph. 2.1). This spiritual death was characterized by separation from God and expressed in terms of evil deeds (Col. 1.21; Titus 3.3). Once converted, we are brought to life (Rom. 6.4, 13; Eph. 2.4-10). This life is characterized by communion with God and expressed in terms of obedience to God’s Word and loving loyalty to him (1 Jn. 3.1-10).

Sometimes I struggle to live. You may be just like me. I go through the Christian life remembering that I am alive and following Jesus, but often forget about what has come before. In other words, I am remembering the life but forgetting the birth and the death.

One scene in the Bible that has helped me to preach the gospel to my own heart is the funeral in the town of Nain (Luke 7.11-17). Jesus comes to the town where a funeral is being conducted for the only son of a widow. Jesus comes upon a “considerable” crowd amid much weeping and mourning. Doubtless there is weeping for the son as well as for the unfortunate widow who has lost her only son and means for provision. And Jesus comes to the procession. There upon the open casket, in plain view of all, Jesus walks up and touches the brier and in v. 14 says, “Young man I say to you, arise!” And what happens? The young man is resurrected. He is made alive!

Here we have death and life within seconds of each other. Mourning turns to praise. The tears of grief on the widow’s face were quickly diluted and overrun by the tears of joy!

Do you see how this is the Christian’s experience? The Savior draws near to you as you lay upon your spiritual brier. There is mourning, pain, brokenness and grief. The heart is blackened and cold, separated from God. And here comes Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit he gives new life!! He opens eyes, gives a new heart, raises the spiritually dead!! The Christian’s spiritual experience reflects the funeral at Nain.

This is why I believe it is essential to run back to the funeral and the nursery everyday. Remember that you were dead and were made alive. The gospel carries in it the truth of the Law’s death sentence with the means to make alive through the Law-keeper!

Each day we can remember the scene that communicates the spiritual reality of being dead and made alive. The tears of death were overrun by the tears for life. Don’t miss this.
