
Diagnosing Evangelistic Apathy


Why don’t we evangelize more faithfully?

This is a general but nevertheless important question. There are a number of true and helpful ways to get at answering it, but I want to simply focus on one here. One reason that we do not evangelize is that we don’t consistently believe the gospel. There is not a consistent “buy-in” for the powerful truth of it.

Think about an ambassador for any organization. Their value is not simply in holding the position but in believing in its mission. Think about those who endorse a product. How valuable would a Pepsi promoter be if he was seen drinking Coke all the time? I am not attempting to reduce the gospel down to a product to be peddled but simply showing that even in everyday life the principle shows itself forth. The best proponents of something are those who actually buy in. They are truly behind it.

Is there any wonder why the gospel is far from our minds in conversations with unbelievers if it is likewise distant from our talks with other Christians? Some Christians have grown adept at never talking about the gospel at all. Never mind with those who are headed to hell, they don’t talk about it with those who are going to heaven!

One thing you notice when you read the letters of Paul is that he was always banging the gospel drum. He talked about the gospel when he talked about anything. Question about marriage? Gospel (Eph. 5:22-33). How about division in the church. Gospel (1 Cor. 1:11-13). What about squabbles between individuals. Gospel (Phil 4:2-3). Anything on harmony in the workforce? Gospel (Col. 3:22-24). The guy was used the gospel like a swiss-army knife. It is the utility player on the team; it plays every position! When your only tool is a hammer everything looks like a nail. Well, the gospel can hammer in anything. Paul shows us this. He had a pervasive and persistent gospel application.

Is there any wonder then that when he was locked up in jail he found himself evangelizing his guards? He never had to get to the gospel because he never left it. It was always on his lips, always simmering on the front burner, the gospel never went stale for Paul.

Why? He believed it. He had the gospel because the gospel had him.

Think about those early days after your conversion. Did anyone have to tell you to talk to others about Jesus? No! Of course not. It came out of you as naturally as sweat on a hot summer day. There were no apologies or restraints. It is true after all! You believed it. You had it because it had you.

When we diagnose our evangelism perhaps it would be helpful to diagnose our sanctification. Do we believe the gospel? Do we have it? Does it have us? If the answer is not “yes” here, then there is a need to pause. Evangelistic apathy is neither healthy nor right. It requires our attention. Take some prayerful, quiet, reflective time before the foot of the cross. Ask God to grip your heart with its preciousness. Ask him to renew in you a deep sense of gratitude and joy in God that comes from knowing that God has adopted and forgiven you in Christ. This may take some time. It may be uncomfortable. But, it may change your life. And, it may also change those around you!

(note: I’ve written this material to help with the issue discussed in this post. Perhaps it would be helpful if you are looking for a resource)
