
Understanding Scripture: An Overview of the Bible’s Origin, Reliability, and Meaning, ed. by Wayne Grudem, Tom Schreiner, and Jack Collins (Crossway, 2012), is on sale for a limited time at WTS Books for $7.14.

In 19 essays leading experts provide concise studies on key issues of how to understand the Bible and its origin (canon and original languages), reliability (Bible manuscripts and archaeology), and meaning (interpreting it properly and reading it well).

You can read online for free the essays by John Piper and David Powlison. I think students and preachers in particular will be helped by the list in Jack Collins’s essay of all the exact quotations of the OT in the NT.

Part 1: Interpreting the Bible

  • Interpreting the Bible: An Introduction, Daniel Doriani
  • Interpreting the Bible: A Historical Overview, John Hannah

Part 2: Reading the Bible

Part 3:The Canon of Scripture

  • The Canon of the Old Testament, Roger T. Beckwith
  • The Canon of the New Testament, Charles E. Hill

Part 4: The Reliability of Bible Manuscripts

  • The Reliability of the Old Testament Manuscripts, Paul D. Wegner
  • The Reliability of the New Testament Manuscripts, Daniel B. Wallace

Part 5: Archaeology and the Bible

  • Archaeology and the Reliability of the Old Testament, John Currid
  • Archaeology and the Reliability of the New Testament, David W. Chapman

Part 6: The Original Languages of the Bible

  • Hebrew and Aramaic, and How They Work, Peter J. Williams
  • Greek, and How It Works, David Alan Black
  • The Septuagint, Peter J. Gentry

Part 7: Old Testament and New

  • A Survey of the History of Salvation, Vern S. Poythress
  • How the New Testament Quotes and Interprets the Old Testament, C. John Collins