
A Prayer for Resetting My Heart on Jesus

     If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Col. 3:1-4

Dear Lord Jesus, as someone born with neither an internal compass nor with directional intuition—as someone who labors to find their parked car and who walks out of a hotel room not remembering if the elevator is to the right or the left, I praise you today for a phone with GPS in it, especially since I will be driving several hundred miles today.

But, in a far more profound way, I thankful this morning for the Bible, for it constantly redirects my wandering heart back onto the path that leads to you. And I’m, more than ever grateful, for the gospel, itself, because the gospel is not only my GPS, but the car which gets me home. Indeed, Lord Jesus, early in this new year, I’m resetting my heart on you, for you are my true destination and my heart’s delight.

Everything I long for is found in you. You are my greatest treasure—the source of my deepest joy, eternal peace and abiding comfort. I am humbled and so grateful for everything you have done for me. You lived a life of perfect obedience, as the second Adam—my substitute. Your death on the cross exhausted God’s just judgment against me and my sin. When you were raised from the dead, I was raised with you and was given a whole new life and story. And, right now, my life is safely hidden in you, for God has placed me in union with you, Jesus. Hallelujah, many times over!

I’m covered with your righteousness, completely forgiven and acceptable to God, and very much loved by him. I’m destined to become as lovely and as loving as you one Day, and to reign with your whole bride in the new heaven and new earth. And until that Day, you’ve given me the privilege of serving in your kingdom, and giving evidence to your commitment to make all things new. There’s no other story I’d rather be in, live in and grow in.

No one and nothing else is worthy of my heart’s adoration, affection, and allegiance—only you. Lord Jesus, you’ve done everything for me, and now I trust you to do everything in me that will bring you glory and honor. May this be a year of groaning and growing in your transforming and liberating grace. So very Amen I pray, in your matchless and merciful name I pray.

