
     To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude 1-2 (NIV)

     Dear heavenly Father, today, like every day, I need a fresh encounter with the wonders of your love, given so freely in the riches of the gospel. By faith, I bring my present thirst to the river of your grace—thankful for your kindness, compassion, and generosity, revealed so clearly in this passage. Jude’s words are life giving and heart-encouraging. Who are we? The called, loved, and kept.

     Father, you didn’t just invite us to become followers of Christ; you called us, with the legal power of a subpoena, and you adopted us as your beloved children. Instead of whining our way through life, we now cry, “Abba, Father”. We didn’t invite Jesus into our lives; you raised us from the dead and hid our lives in his. For your sovereign grace and irresistible power, we praise, bless and adore you.

     And now, through our union with Christ, you love us as much as you love Jesus. Father, nothing is more centering, freeing, and transforming. Today won’t be a day for finding meaning or making a name for ourselves, but for coming more fully alive to the only love that is better than life—the love that you have lavished on us in Jesus. No human being can possibly fill the relational vacuum you’ve built into our souls, for that place is reserved for you.

     And lastly, Father, thank you for establishing us as the kept ones. Nothing can pull us from your hand or tear us from your heart. The good work you began in us, you will finish for us—even until the very Day when you present us to Jesus, Bride to Bridegroom. We believe this good news; we would believe it even more. When we’re tempted today to look anywhere else for mercy, peace and love—forgive us and reel our hearts back in, one more time. So very Amen we pray, in Jesus’ beautiful and sufficient name. 
