
Believing for Our Friends

When Jesus saw THEIR faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:20 NIV

Lord Jesus, first of all, we praise bless and adore you for forgiving all our sins—past, present, and future sin; sins of thought, word, and deed. May we never take this standing in grace, rootedness in love, lavish-ment of love for granted.

This story also reminds us that someone believed for us, and in us, long before we believed for ourselves. Thank you for family members and friends, pastors and peers who brought us to the throne of grace long before we willingly came running on our own legs of faith. Again we say, thank you for working so faithfully in our stories to bring us into the riches of your mercy and grace.

So today we gladly return the favor for the benefit of others. Jesus, hear our prayers for those who cannot, or will not, believe for themselves… yet. Certainly, at the top of our list, are the people we long to enjoy a saving relationship with you. Jesus, show them the depth of their need of a Savior—their need for you; and then make the gospel irresistibly beautiful and unmistakably free to them.

We also pray for our friends who DO know you, but who are in various places of brokenness, frozenness, and cluelessness. Jesus, some people saw the degree of our heart disconnect and depth of our woundedness, the paralysis of our shame and the stronghold of our fears long before we did. And they prayed and they waited; and they prayed some more… and you wrote stories of redemption. Thank you!

Likewise Lord, we bring you our friends. Move powerfully; work mercifully; do exceedingly beyond all we can ask or imagine. Jesus, give us patience and persistence, faith and hope. So very Amen we pray, in your tender and triumphant name.

