
When Feeling a Bit Annoyed and Aggravated

A fool shows his annoyance at once… Proverbs 12:16

A man’s wisdom gives him patience..Proverbs 19:11

(Friends, consider this prayer, “show and tell”—an example of how the gospel helps the morning after an aggravating, irritating day… you know, one of those days which reveals how much we need the grace of God, so freely ours in Jesus.)

     Dear Jesus, though not condemned, I certainly feel deeply convicted, by these Scriptures. Yesterday was one of those days that exposed my idol of control and my default mode of irritation, annoyance, and impatience.

Of all things—driving to be the main speaker at a missions conference, the traffic was bad, I took a wrong turn on a very familiar route, and the traffic got bad again, and it took way too long, and I got knotted on the inside—fuming and forgetting that I’m on a trip to help people understand the glory of your story and the wonders of your love. Jesus, I’m a fresh mess in need of your new mercies.

As I own my bad attitude, I make haste to your throne of grace. I’m so thankful for your forbearing heart, unlimited patience, and renewing grace. This side of glorification, I don’t really expect to be annoyance-free; but certainly the gospel is big enough to help me be more accepting of things I cannot control, humble when things don’t go my way, less shamed when I make a mistake, and quicker with my repentances when I get bent out of shape.

Thank you that today is not a day for doing penance, and promising to do better and be sweeter. Today is a day for believing the gospel, resting in your love, and walking in your Spirit. So with palms up, I start this day grateful that you are my righteousness, peace, and joy, Lord Jesus. Help me settle and center, and move into this weekend grateful for the opportunity of, teaching the Bible, sharing the gospel and serving your people. Be big and beautiful in our midst. So very Amen I pray, in your wonderful and merciful name.
