
Who Gets to Be Your Heart Boss?

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Col. 3:15

Gracious Jesus, today, like every day, somebody or some entity is going to claim “dibs” on the attention and affection of our hearts. Our hearts will be wooed and ruled, enticed and seized. Something, or someone will be our “heart boss” today.

It could be bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness. It could be the shaming power of Satan or the empty promises of greed, overbearing people or aggravating circumstances. It might be old regrets resurfacing or new fantasies emerging, the quest to be included or the approval of a dead parent.

Therefore, Jesus, in obedience to this life-liberating Scripture, we choose your peace as the ruler of our hearts. With palms up, we gladly surrender our hearts to your peace as our sovereign, king, and boss, for you are the Prince of Peace.

Through your finished work on the cross, God made his peace with us, and we now have peace with our Father. Alienation has been replaced with reconciliation, distance with intimacy, judgment with affection. God isn’t just “okay” with us; he delights in us. There is NO peace like the peace of God. How can we not overflow with gratitude and humility, faith and hope?

Jesus, may your peace-that-transcends-circumstances work as a centering and settling power in our hearts today. In our “testy” relationships and the things we cannot control; in our angry culture and our less-than-fulfilling jobs; in our known weaknesses and our unknown futures. Be beautiful and big in our hearts, Lord.

Because of your peace with us, we will seek to live at peace with those in our web of relationships. And where peace isn’t possible, yet, we’ll rest in your love and wait on your timing. So very Amen we pray, in your praise-worthy and persistent name.
