
   I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.” The godly people in the land are my true heroes! … Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. Psalm 16:2-5

Lord Jesus, our response to David’s affirmation is quick and simple. “Yea, Verily, and Amen!” You are our Master and Redeemer, Creator and Re-Creator, Bridegroom and Inheritance.

You are the fountain of lasting pleasures, the wellspring of eternal joy, the One from whom all blessings flow. You love lavishly, not reservedly; You redeem fully, not partially. You are actively making all things new and beautiful, and are working in all things for our good.

Compared to you, all other “riches” are “fool’s gold,” a-bad-night-in-Vegas, rotting rubbish, sure-to-fail cryptocurrencies. The “excellency of knowing you” changed the price tags in our lives (Phil. 3:8). Life is now You, and death has become gain (Phil. 1:21). Boasting in weakness is freedom, posing and pretending are slavery. Humility is the way up, and pride is the way down (2 Cor. 12:8-10).

You are our quintessential, eternal Hero; and our earthly heroes are those who love you more than anything, and serve you with adoration without reservation. Our “cup of blessing” is a bottomless tankard of mercy, grace, and love, because you drank the bitter cup of your cross for us. We are heart-palpitating grateful. So very Amen we pray, Lord Jesus, in your tender and trustworthy name.


