
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28

Merciful and mighty, Lord Jesus, you know our weariness, heartaches, and burdens. You also know we are tempted to deny, dance around, despair, or demonize others for our “this-is-too-much-ness.”

Thank you. Thank you for not calling us to greater resolve and effort, but to yourself. You are nearer than we realize, and all we have to do in collapse on you. By faith, we do so. Grant us the rest only you can give, Jesus.

  • Rest from thinking you’re disappointed with us, or don’t care
  • Rest from forgetting Whose we are, and who we are in You
  • Rest from the mounting impact of pandemic-fatigue
  • Rest from the idolatry of capability and self-reliance
  • Rest from the lies and condemning voice of the accuser
  • Rest from the exhaustion of blaming and shaming others
  • Rest from nursing grudges more than drinking living water
  • Rest from shouldering the uncertainties of our future
  • Rest to be a Mary in a Martha world—your Bride, not our own.

Just as we are—not as we think we should be, we come to you Jesus. Thank you for your welcoming heart and promised rest. So very Amen we pray, in your tender and triumphant name.
