
  “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts” (Col. 3:15). May the Lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation” (2 Thess. 3:16).


Lord Jesus, we are thankful there’s no part of our being or story, no sphere of life or place in the universe, outside your interest and care. Today, we come to you as the Lord of Peace. Though you don’t always eliminate our storms, you do inhabit all of them. We’ll simply never know a Christ-absent day.

Oh to have a heart actually ruled by your peace—governed, centered, calmed, hope-kissed. Not the mere “peaceful easy feeling” the rock group, the Eagles sang about, or a Zen-like state of non-feeling. Something way more substantive, durative, and easy to reclaim when temporarily lost.

So if your peace isn’t ruling in our hearts, what is? What competes for our heart’s throne? I’m not sure how my praying friends will answer, but I can forfeit my enjoyment of your peace when I drift backward down the lane of vain regrets. The land of “could’ve, would’ve, should’ve” is filled with poison snakes, land mines, and tar pits. Your name is Redeemer, not Re-Do’s. Only you are sovereign, King Jesus, not our choices.

I can also resist the rule of your peace in my heart when I let other people’s happiness, “okay-ness,” and approval determine the state of my heart. Having genuine concern is one thing, but over-needing people to be other than are never ends well. Other peace-saboteurs for me?

Aging issues beg me to be anxious and afraid. Old insecurities and lingering shame sometimes shoot spitballs at my Gospel-freedom, or throw grenades in the direction of my heart-joy. But Jesus, you are my peace, period—when I feel it and when I don’t. Hallelujah, and So Very Amen.

