
Rest… Again, and Again

“Let my soul be at rest again, for the LORD has been good to me.” Psalm 116:7

   Lord Jesus, what a great and gracious Savior you are. Your patience is inexhaustible, your welcome is irrevocable, and kindness is inextinguishable. There is no savior like you; there is no savior but you.

All work and no Sabbath rest doesn’t make us ambitious, productive, or even workaholics. It makes us foolish, shallow, and “grace-lites.” Life in the Garden of Eden was kissed with Sabbath rest—before sin, idolatry, and exhaustion became issues. So, Sabbath rest is less about recovery time, and more about intimacy time. You want us, you delight in us, and you continue to pursue us.

We’ll either make intentional time to spend with you, or we’ll get spent by passing trivialities, the tyranny of the urgent, and the wrong definition of success.

Sabbath is taking stock, doing the mercy-math, calculating the columns of grace-riches—relishing the countless ways you have been good to us. Lord Jesus, you don’t just give us rest (time out), you are our rest (treasure in)—our righteousness before God, and peace with our Father.

Forgive us for living driven rather than called lives. Forgive us for looking for reasons, verses, and justification for why we don’t have to honor Sabbath rest. Burning out, flaming out, leaking out… these aren’t heroic, they’re moronic. It’s not about debating which day, but delighting in you. So very Amen we pray, in your beautiful and loving name.

