
“And the younger son arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion.”

– Jesus, “The Parable of the Prodigal Son” (Luke 15:20)

The crucial moment in Jesus’ story occurs as the son approaches his hometown. Jesus tells us the father saw his son while he was still a long way off. This implies that the boy was probably at the edge of town, ready to head down the main street (which was usually the road that almost everyone in the village lived on). The father had been watching diligently, hoping to see some glimpse of his son.

Earlier, the younger son had wished his father were dead. He had publicly humiliated the family’s name and honor, sold off the precious inheritance and deserted the village. He had foolishly squandered all the money, and then wound up working for a pagan and craving even pigs’ food.

Through it all, the father has not stopped loving his child. He hopes to see their relationship restored. He dreams of them talking again, laughing, spending time together. His eagerness to see his younger son again impels him to the front of the yard where he stares into the distance to see if maybe his boy is on his way home.

Jesus has given us a breathtaking picture of the nature of God’s love for us. Despite all the pain we have inflicted upon God through our willful rebellion, our Father stands ready and willing to take us into His arms again and accept us as His children. He is calling us home again, to enjoy His fellowship, to be a part of His family, to worship Him as King and Lord. He proved His love through the sacrifice of His only Son. We prove our love by returning to His arms and obeying His commands.

Is the Father waiting for you?

written by Trevin Wax  © 2007 Kingdom People blog
