
One of the two who heard John speak and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother. He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which means the Christ). He brought him to Jesus.
John 1:40-42

Andrew should be an example to us all. In the Gospel of John, we read the story of Andrew following Jesus. Andrew’s enthusiasm for Jesus overflowed into his personal relationships. Immediately after signing onto Jesus’ kingdom agenda, Andrew hurried to find his brother. “We have found the Messiah!” he announced. Then, he brought Peter to Jesus.

Andrew is not one of the most important disciples. He’s not in the inner circle around Jesus (Peter, James, and John). He doesn’t show up many times in the New Testament, but when he does he seems to always be bringing people to Jesus.

Andrew is the disciple who brings to Jesus the little boy who has the loaves and fish that Jesus will use to feed the five thousand. Later, Andrew makes sure that Jesus knows about some Greek people who are seeking him.

You might be like Andrew. You don’t see yourself as having many talents. You wonder how God might use a person like you. You’re not the greatest Bible scholar. You don’t have a terrific singing voice. You have trouble speaking in public. You don’t see yourself as being too important in the grand scheme of things.

You can be like Andrew. You can introduce people to Jesus. You can bring people to church.

You see, when Jesus called Andrew, Andrew called Peter. And Peter is the disciple who first confessed Jesus as the Son of God. Without Andrew, there wouldn’t have been Peter.

You can be an Andrew! Bring people to Jesus and watch how things will change.

Prayer: Father Almighty, by your grace you have called me to be a disciple of your Son, Jesus Christ. Give me a passion for bringing others to Jesus, for calling others to repentance and faith. Help me, with boldness and graciousness to be a testimony of your love to those around me.
